Admission processes
Admissions for Academic Year 2025-2026
Applications for a place in our Reception classes, starting September 2025, should be made through South Gloucestershire Council Department for Children, Adults & Health, a link to the application form can be found below.
South Gloucestershire Admissions application.
All applications must be made by 15th January in the year of commencement. Full details are published in the "Admission to Primary Schools in South Gloucestershire - Information for Parents' booklet which can be downloaded via their website or click below for a copy.
Admissions to Primary Schools in South Gloucestershire - Information booklet
Please click below for our Admissions Policies for September 2024 and September 2025
In-Year Applications
As St Mary's is a voluntary aided school all in-year applications which fall outside of the normal admissions round (not a Reception Class Start/September start) should be made directly with the school.
Please click here for an application form or a copy can be obtained from the school office.
If you or your child regularly worships as part of a Christian church and you are applying under faith criteria please also complete the supplementary form which can be obtained from the school office or is attached. This form should be returned with the application form.
All applications will be considered by the Governing body against the criteria listed in the School Admissions Policy, please see above for the current version.
Parent/carers have the right to appeal against the refusal by a Governing Body to admit their child/children. Appeals will be arrange by South Gloucestershire LA and will be conducted in accordance with the Code of Practice on School Appeals. For further details and to see their published appeals timetable please click here.
Contact us
If you require any further information please contact us:
St Mary's CE Primary School
Church Road
BS37 5BG
Tele: 01454 867155