Year 1 and 2
Welcome to Key Stage 1
Apple – Mrs Humphreys
Pear – Mrs Hill & Miss Jacklin (Term 1)
Cherry – Mrs Chaney
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Norris - all day
Mrs Prottey – all day
Mrs Shuttleworth – mornings
Mrs Lloyd - Afternoons
Welcome to Apple, Cherry and Pear Class. We have three mixed year 1 and year 2 classes at St Mary’s. We love to ‘Enjoy, Excel and Explore’ and we strive to be brave change-makers to make a difference to the world we live in. We enjoy making connections with one another, within our partnership with St Helen’s (Alveston), with our past as we learn from those that have gone before us, with our local community and across different subjects to fully immerse ourselves in our learning.
Our values are at the core of what we do every day and we enjoy talking and learning about these during collective worship.
Key Stage 1
Welcome to Apple, Cherry and Pear Class. We have three mixed year 1 and year 2 classes at St Mary’s. We love to ‘Enjoy, Excel and Explore’ and we strive to be brave change-makers to make a difference to the world we live in. We enjoy making connections with one another, within our partnership with St Helen’s (Alveston), with our past as we learn from those that have gone before us, with our local community and across different subjects to fully immerse ourselves in our learning.
Our values are at the core of what we do every day and we enjoy talking and learning about these during collective worship. During Term 1, our school value is Peace and during Term 2 our school value is Forgiveness.
Autumn Term:
During the Autumn Term, the children will be exploring the Big Question of “How can we show empathy and support others?” whilst our Global Theme is Peace and Conflict.
The children will learn about Mary Seacole and significant events in her life. They will learn about the role that she played in caring for soldiers on both sides of the Crimean War and how she helped anyone who was in need. This will be compared to the story of the Thirsty Camel.
Throughout this topic, our brave-change maker skills are empathy and Co-operation and Conflict resolution. This means the
children will focus on demonstrating an interest in and concern for others outside their immediate circle and in a context different to their own. In addition, they will look at causes of disagreement and conflict at a personal level, within the classroom and at a household level. They will learn different ways to avoid, manage and resolve conflict.
During Term 1, our History learning will look at the Crimean War and children will find out about the quality of hospitals and how injured soldiers were cared for. Children will gain an understanding of who Mary Seacole was and the impact which she had on helping soldiers during the Crimean War. Children will compare nursing in the past to nursing today and the lasting impact which Mary Seacole has had on modern nursing.
During Art, the children will learn to use a range of different media such as pencils, charcoal and pastels to draw. They will look at portraits from famous artists such as Picasso, Van Gogh and Da Vinci. As a final product children will create a self portrait using media of their choice.
As our mini product outcome children will contribute to whole school Harvest Festival.
During Term 2, the children will learn to identify and locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans. They will learn to locate Mary Seacole’s birth place and to plot the route which Mary Seacole took when she travelled to the Crimean War. Children will learn to use compass directions and create simple maps.
Throughout Term 1 and Term 2, our Science learning will focus on learning to identify and describe the properties of materials. Children will select materials for a specific purpose based upon their properties.
As our maxi product outcome at the end of Term 2, the children will share their nativity performance with a wider audience in the community and have a collection to sponsor a nurse through Jessie May Children’s Hospice at Home.
Spring Term:
During the Spring Term, the children will be exploring the Big Question of ‘What does it mean to be responsible?’ whilst our global theme is Rights and Responsibilities.
The children will learn about Grace Darling and significant events in her life. They will learn about the role that she played in saving the lives of the sailors on the shipwreck Forfarshire in 1838 and how this lead to the creation of the RNLI.
Throughout this topic, our brave-change maker skills are Managing Change where the children will be able to describe feelings about change in their own lives and locality. Also Critical and Creative Thinking where the children will ask different questions and consider the merits of different viewpoints.
During Term 3, our History learning will look at Grace Darling and the children will learn when she lived and why she is significant. The children will learn about the past from a range of primary and secondary sources.
The actions of Grace Darling and her father highlighted the importance of life boats raising critical awareness and funds for the RNLI. At the end of the unit the children will understand the importance of the RNLI to protect people at sea.
During Term 4, the children will learn that it is the responsibility of people to protect their environment. The children will be finding out about Australia with a focus on the Great Barrier Reef and why it is important to protect it. In addition, they will compare Australia with the UK and compare the RNLI to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
Our Maxi product at the end of Term 4, will writing a letter to Mrs Scriven about making a change to something within our school environment.