Year 5 and 6

Welcome to Oak, Chestnut & Maple Class! 

Welcome to year 5/6's phase page! Our classes are taught by Mr Moon (Oak), Mr Higginson (Chestnut) and Miss Stell & Mrs Oakley (Maple).  We’re lucky enough to have the Teaching Assistants Mrs Ross and Miss McCrudden supporting year 5/6. 


Rights & Responsibilities

'How can we make our voices heard?'

Term 3 & 4

Global Curriculum: The global curriculum theme for the Spring term is Rights and Responsibilities. Our Big Question is ‘How do we make our voices heard?’ We will be using the Ancient Greeks as our learning context.

We will learn about Ancient Greek culture, discovering where, when and how they lived, making our own Greek jugs and Greek food. We will also consider the legacy of Ancient Greek civilization, including the Olympics and philosophy. In Geography lessons, we will locate Greece and compare the geographical features of modern-day Greece to Ancient Greece. In reading and English lessons, we will explore Ancient Greek religion and will be reading and writing some Ancient Greek myths.

To answer our Big Question, ‘How do we make our voices heard?’, we will focus on the development of democracy and how Ancient Greeks made their voices heard, reflecting on whether all citizens had their voices heard or not and comparing to our present-day democracy and how people make their voices heard today. We have invited our local MP to talk to us about how his constituents make their voices heard and how he acts on this and the children will be able to ask him their own questions!

Peace & Conflict 

Key question: 'How can we understand others and bring about peace?'

Terms 1 & 2

In term 1 and 2, our Global Curriculum theme is Peace and Conflict and we will be considering how conflict can be avoided and resolved. To help understand this, we shall learn more about World War 2 and how this conflict changed the lives of so many people. This will include Key events from WW2, the impact of WW2 on children, the Kindertransport and how Jewish people were treated at this time.

In term two, we will then go on to consider the roles that people have had and can have in bringing peace to the world. At the end of the term, the children will be working in pairs to create projects about Nobel Peace Prize winners, which will be shared with families in a showcase.