Rational (Intent)
Here at St. Mary’s, it is our aim to provide children with an enjoyable and challenging music curriculum which gives all of our pupils the opportunity to play a range of instruments, sing and perform individually as well as with peers. We believe that music is a universal language, which will allow our pupils to express themselves through exploration, composition and performance.
At St. Mary’s, we want to give our children every opportunity to experience listening to, and performing music and to give them the skills they need to take the subject in whichever direction they want to in the future. For this reason, music will not just be within music lessons, but through singing assemblies, instrument tuition, clubs and participating in organised musical events within the local community and further afield.
How we teach Music (Implication)
Music is taught through an online scheme of work called Kapow Music. This scheme is organised through 4 main dimensions: listening, performing, composing and the history of music.
We want to develop a real love of music by exploring the history, different instruments and their origins and the work of a range of different composers (past and present). We focus on developing a deep understanding of 7 elements of music: dynamics, tempo, duration, structure, texture and timbre. These are the building blocks of music and therefore run throughout our scheme of work as an overarching strand.
How Music is assessed at St Mary’s (Impact)
At the end of every term, teachers will assess the children against the objectives which have been covered in that term. They will base their assessments on each lesson, evidence and recordings made, as well as check ins throughout lessons.
At St. Mary’s, we view the purpose of assessment as being able to help pupils progress, to make our teaching better and to provide continuity of learning between year groups.
We are welcoming RockSteady to our school. Lessons in electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, drums and vocals begin after February half term.
We have 61 children starting RockSteady lessons - that's nearly 1/5 of the school!
And that is in addition to all of our children in year 4-6 who are already having lessons in keyboard, drums, guitar and flute - what a musical school we are!
Keep an eye out here for updates.