Religious Education

Subject Rational

We believe that R.E. makes a vital and specific contribution to children’s developing sense of themselves and their relationships with others. It begins to explore the possibility that life is more than the material and temporal. Through the study of different worldviews, it encourages children to reflect on their place in the world, and the experience of others, in ways which may bring greater understanding and meaning to the rest of their learning. They will also gain understanding and respect of other world faiths.

How we teach RE

Our R.E. curriculum is taught through three schemes of work: South Gloucestershire Locally Agreed Syllabus, Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE. These are organised over a two year rolling programme and planned in an order which allows children to build on their existing learning. Different religions are covered as follows:

EYFS: Christianity and key religious festivals from other faiths

Key Stage 1: Christianity and Judaism

Lower Key Stage 2: Christianity, Sikhism and Hinduism

Upper Key Stage 2: Christianity, Sikhism and Islam.

Each R.E. unit is based around a key question, which gives children to opportunity to develop the skills needed to reflect on different responses to these, as well as their own. 


How RE is assessed at St Mary’s 

RE assessment is carried out each Term.  The assessment focuses on both children’s factual knowledge of religions taught and also their level of understanding in terms of developing a sense of empathy about people’s beliefs.